Tag Archives: textured carpet

Understanding the Basics of Textured Carpeting

stanton-gentry-nylon-carpetBy most ordinary folks, textured carpets are referred to by a variety of names – plush, Saxony and sculptured to name just a few. Though all are referring to textured carpets, there are some essential differences that a person should know about before buying one of these carpets. With that thought in mind, here is a concise guide for understanding the basics of textured carpeting:

Pile height – This factor is fairly self-explanatory. The length of the fibers – the pile height – can run from very short to very long. The first type is usually referred to as plush and will show shoe marks and vacuum cleaner lines, but offers a very elegant look. The latter is often known as shag and is ideal for dens and other rooms where the atmosphere is more relaxed and has a little more high traffic.

Pile density – Also referred to as face weight, this attribute refers to how much actual fiber is contained per square yard in the carpet. The tightest – that is, the most dense – weaves are quite elegant but require almost constant maintenance to look their best while less dense varieties are more suitable for areas that will receive a lot of use but little care.

Pile color – Textured carpet comes in a wide variety of solid colors but can also be found in bi- or multi-colored fleck tones. There is no reason to settle for second best when it comes to this factor. In fact, you can even have a textured carpet dyed to your exact color specifications.

For more information on the particulars of textured carpet, or on other general carpet related topics, please contact us at Great Western Flooring. You can visit us online at www.greatwesternflooring.com or reach us directly at 630-357-3331.